Rule 34 Artist Spotlight: Manic47

I really love his/her style! It’s got a sort of MS Paint-y vibe, but in a really manic and playful way. Good stuff, hope they draw more in the future!

You can find more of his non-Rule 34 work on his DeviantArt page here.

1599308 - Manic47 1241713 - Adventure_Time Finn_the_Human Jake_the_Dog Manic47 Marceline Princess_Bubblegum 1601676 - Manic47 Morgan Randy_Cunningham-_9th_Grade_Ninja 1599381 - Adventure_Time Doctor_Princess Finn_the_Human Guardian_Angel Huntress_Wizard Ice_Queen Jake_the_Dog Manic47 Princess_Bubblegum Samantha canyon 1599309 - Amanda_Levay Debbie_Kang Heidi_Weinerman Manic47 Marci_McFist Morgan Randy_Cunningham Randy_Cunningham-_9th_Grade_Ninja Theresa_Fowler the_sorceress 1566024 - Deadpool Manic47 Marvel betty_swanson veronica_chase 1537578 - Fairly_OddParents Manic47 Trixie_Tang Wonder_Gal



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